About Metadata Tables

Metadata tables are repositories of information derived from valuation analyses, including the number of comparable properties, average, low, median, and high value indicators, and other relevant data depending on the type of analysis. This article provides an overview of these tables, their location within the workbook, and how they are used.

Why Produce Metadata Tables?

There is strong and growing demand for unlocking the rich data contained within appraisals. Most national appraisal firms provide some kind of data file to their clients to add value to their services. 

StartDeck's aim is to provide a comprehensive and informative data file alongside each appraisal report. The appraisal report is designed for human consumption, serving to fulfill documentation and compliance requirements. The data file, on the other hand, is geared towards analysis and serves as a database record. By creating these two distinct files, StartDeck adds value to the appraiser's work by providing more comprehensive data that can be analyzed and leveraged for a variety of purposes, such as decision-making, risk management, and analysis forecasting. With StartDeck's data file, appraisers can deliver much more value to their clients. Because metadata tables are a by-product of the workflow and automatically generated, there is no extra work required by the appraiser.

The data file excludes individual comps. The metadata table includes general information about the comparables used, but not specific comparable data. 


A complete summary of valuation metadata captured for each analysis is presented here

Where are the Metadata Tables Located?

Each metadata table is located directly under the primary analysis section of the worksheet. These are hidden from view by default to keep the interface uncluttered. Simply scroll down (column A) below the cost, sales or income analysis section to look for a left pointing arrow and ‘Metadata’ label. Click the + sign to the left of the row numbers to display the table. 

Below is a view of the metadata table for the Sales Analysis. Notice there are four scenario columns (scenario 3 is truncated - that's OK as this is not a presentation table). Depending on the valuation scenario selected for the analysis, the corresponding scenario will populate in the table. 

How Is the Metadata Used?

Each metadata table is imported to the Appraisal Data table as part of the data file for the appraisal. In turn, these data populate the Appraisal data Export sheet for consumption by other data systems. As noted above, this is what adds value to your appraisal services and enhances your competitive position. 

Again, we emphasize: 

The data file excludes individual comps. The metadata table includes general information about the comparables used, but not specific comparable data. 


About Lease Grid Metadata Tables

Commercial and Multifamily Lease Grids feature metadata tables, but these are not included in the appraisal data file at this time, as more is not always better. We are currently evaluating the usefulness of these data points and may add them to the appraisal data file in the future.

Users can easily import these tables at their discretion. See Adding Analysis Metadata.

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