This article will guide you through completing a commercial or multifamily appraisal on the StartDeck platform. Topics covered include:
Prior to starting:
In addition to the nuts and bolts of completing an appraisal, this guide will also offer best practice tips for efficient workflow. For example, organizing and captioning photos early in the process to help keep inspection details fresh. Likewise, draft the property description as soon as possible. Finally, if an income analysis is in scope, we recommend you take a first pass at the rent roll and expense analysis early on to surface missing data and allow time for follow-up information requests. Nailing down the subject description and operating data will help focus your comparable data research for sales, rents, expense data and cap rates. These steps also check-off several key appraisal tasks.
- Organize and caption photos
- Draft the subject description
- Enter rent roll and expense data
This step assumes you have copied the appropriate appraisal template from the StartDeck template library to your personal or team template library. From your template library, a new appraisal project is created. This is a straightforward task, as detailed here.
The project page is a home page for your appraisal and includes folders in Google Drive for your document, spreadsheet, images and addenda. Learn more about the project page here.
Tip: We recommend minimal customization and branding of templates at the outset. Learn the software first, then add to your customization.
Tip: We highly recommend a thorough review of the document template to understand the appraisal content and workflow. Familiarization is key for navigation and writing efficiency.
Narrative appraisal work is an iterative process. Optimize your workflow with the Project Page, Doc and Sheet across three tabs:
The three tab setup follows the appraisal workflow:
The Project Page is the home page for your appraisal. Each appraisal is represented with a project tile found under My/Team Projects:
StartDeck > My/Team Projects > Project Tile
Think of project tiles as library cards for your work projects.
Click on the Edit icon to open the project page.
From the Project Page, click on Client Information and add client info to your contacts database. If the client is already in your database, search and select this client for the project. See how here. Client info will automatically merge to your appraisal.
Click on Images and upload subject images and add captions (see how here). Science tells us that, on average, we forget about 70% of the information we learn within 24 hours (the "forgetting curve"). Actively captioning and ordering subject photos helps your memory of subject property details. This has other benefits: one of your workflow tasks will be completed and you will have better recall when writing the property description. Moreover if your are working with a supervising appraiser, they will have immediate access to subject photos.
Best Practice Tip: Upload, caption and organize subject photos as soon as possible following the inspection. See how here.
The appraisal report can be divided into two parts:
Most of the front end work is done in Google Docs, while most of the back end work is done in Google Sheets.
Completing the front end (doc) sets the stage for the back end (sheet). In fact, all of the data entered through forms (StartDeck Writer sidebar) on the front end are automatically sent to the linked spreadsheet and populates adjustment grids and other sections. Likewise, sheet data is merged back to the document as merge fields and tables to complete the data workflow.
While this encapsulates the general workflow, writing a narrative appraisal is often an iterative process, working back and forth between the narrative (doc) and the analysis (sheet).
Best Practice: After completing subject photos on the Project Page and a first pass at the Rent Roll and Expense sections of the workbook (as noted above), focus on the front end and establish the assignment scope, market and property characteristics, zoning and highest and best use before working on the valuation analysis in Google Sheets.
You are now ready to add information and edit your document. The workflow will circle back to the Project Page later. From the Project Page click the blue Edit document icon to open the document for editing.
Reminder: We recommend a three tab setup: Project Page, Doc and Sheet.
With the appraisal document active, open the StartDeck Writer extension and click on Forms and Fields (1) to enter data:
With StartDeck Writer Forms & Fields open, you can now quickly enter appraisal information with the assistance of forms with pre-set options. Learn more about Forms & Fields here. Fields are generally grouped under their respective document headings.
If screen space allows, we recommend keeping Google Docs Outline open on the left, and StartDeck Writer open on the right. Navigate on the left and enter data on the right.
The 'Top' section contains all the fields for the cover page and some general info that applies to the entire report. Some of these fields automatically populate from previous steps, like your Vendor information, and the client information. The remaining fields to complete are:
Tip: It's a good practice to update document fields as you go along and review the merged data. This will help you become familiar with how the merge fields fit into the narrative. Update doc fields at the bottom of the sidebar:
Open a form by clicking the "+" icon. Continue down the sidebar and complete each form to populate the front half of the document (up to and including Valuation Methods). Some sections feature tables from the linked spreadsheet — these can be added and updated at any time.
Of course not all of the front end data is generated by forms, and document writing and editing is required for many sections and is part of completing the front end.
Reminder: Draft the property description promptly following your inspection.
Subject photos are managed on the Project Page and inserted in bulk. See Subject Images.
We recommend inserting the subject photos last. This keeps the document as "light" and responsive as possible during the editing process. With the recommended three tab setup, your subject photos are always available for review from the Project Page.
Tip: Upload and organize photos first, insert to doc last.
Mobile Productivity: Enter front end data from your mobile device. All of the forms in the document are available on the Project Page from your phone or tablet.
Forms are organized by document headings and follow the order of the document. In some cases, however, the fields under one heading in the document are populated from fields under a different heading. The most obvious example is the Executive Summary, which pulls data from various sections throughout the document. For example, all the site data is entered in the Site Description section which then populates the Executive Summary. Learn more about merge fields here.
The blue fields are doc fields and sourced from the StartDeck Writer sidebar, while green fields in the document are sheet fields and sourced from the linked spreadsheet, discussed below. Of course, all merge fields are formatted as black text when publishing the report.
Note: You can edit sidebar form entries at any time.
Workflow: When Update Doc Fields is run, in addition to populating merge fields in the document, all of the data in the sidebar is also sent to the linked spreadsheet. These data are used to populate analysis grids and other spreadsheet tables.
This section describes how to complete the valuation analyses in sheets. Before we get into the appraisal workflow, we'll explain worksheet fundamentals.
From the Project Page, Project Preview/Edit, select the Edit sheet icon or open the file directly in Google Drive.
Tip: Handy links to Google Drive are located throughout the platform.
This is important! StartDeck Tables sidebar must be open to enable automation.
From the main menu: Extensions > StartDeck > Tables
The table of contents page lists all the unhidden sheets in the workbook, tab and font color keys, navigation icons, user settings and a punch list area.
The Table of Contents is also a navigation tool — simply click on a sheet name and a navigation link will display. The workbook is organized to follow the order of the report, from left to right. All sheets (except data sheets) have a home icon in cell A1 that will link back to the TOC.
Always refresh the TOC when sheets have been added, deleted, hidden or unhidden.
Most tables have instructions at the top or left side of the table, sometimes hidden to simplify the display. Look for plus signs left of the row numbers to unhide instructions.
Sheet Navigation Links
Sheets with multiple tables have navigation links at the top of the sheet, or in the case of analysis grids, links on the top left side of the grid. Most "down-line" tables will also have navigation links to the previous and next tables. Compass icons will always link back to the top of the sheet (cell A1).
Analysis Grid Navigation Links | Income Analysis Navigation Links |
Keyboard Navigation
Compass icons serve as anchors for keyboard navigation. Starting in cell A1, control+down arrow will move the cursor downward to each major section of the sheet. “Down-line" tables located to the right are accessed with control+right arrow. Grey borders surround each table with a compass icon at each corner, allowing for keyboard circumnavigation of a table. Pressing control+down arrow from the bottom right icon will navigate to the next table.
Compass Sheet Navigation | Compass Table Navigation |
Sidebar Navigation
Sidebar navigation is handy when you want to quickly go to a specific table from anywhere in the workbook. Click the sheet name to display tables for that sheet, then click on a table name:
Most sheets and tables have a blue Actions dropdown at the top-left corner. Actions will vary based on the worksheet's purpose but will always include Highlights on and Highlights off option. Highlighting input cells simplifies the UI for the appraiser and helps prevent overwriting cells with formulas. Highlight settings are global for the workbook.
Best Practice Tip: Keep highlights on while working.
Templates and projects do not contain linked tables by default, rather unlinked placeholder tables are displayed. Placeholder tables are replaced with linked tables as part of the work flow. Each table has a copy function available from the Actions menu: Select this option and press Control-C (Command-C on Mac) to copy the table. Switch to the document tab, place the cursor at the desired document location and paste as a link.
To update a linked table click the icon in the upper-right corner. Notice that dropdown lists formatted as "chips" in the spreadsheet display as plain text when the linked table is displayed in the document.
To update all tables at once, from the main menu: Tools > Linked objects > Update all
Google has been pretty good about allowing the connection shown below automatically, but it's worth checking if lists are not populating:
On the "Data Connections and Lists" sheet (far right tab) allow the connection:
Now that you understand workbook navigation and highlighting user input cells, we can turn our focus to valuation analyses.
The following sections explain data entry for each worksheet. Not all worksheets are applicable for a given appraisal.
Tip: Hide unused worksheets. Click on the worksheet tab and select "Hide", then refresh the Table of Contents.
Best Practice: Write the narrative associated with each sheet and table as you progress through the workbook while the analysis is fresh in your mind.
Note: References to commercial include office, retail, industrial, and other space types analyzed on a per square foot basis.
Start with appraisal premises on the Appraisal Premises & More sheet. Up to four premises can be used, but most appraisals will require only one to two. The first should (almost) always be “As Stabilized" — this is the primary benchmark analysis. The second appraisal premise is typically "As Is" which is usually arrived at by adjusting the "As Stabilized" value (see Adjustments to Stabilized Value). Set entries for unused appraisal premises to "--".
Tip: Set Appraisal Premise 1 to As Stabilized
"As Is" and "As Stabilized" are often synonymous with established well-managed properties.
All valuation worksheets have prominent Premises section at the top. Selecting the appraisal scenario will set the valuation premise ("As Stabilized", "As Is"), property rights and effective date for the analysis. This screenshot shows the portion of the Land Analysis Grid where the appraisal scenario is selected.
When the "As Stabilized" and "As Is" values are different, the appraisal will probably require a hypothetical condition. For example, if a property is 80% occupied ("As Is") while the larger market is generally at 95% occupancy ("As Stabilized"), the stabilized value will require a hypothetical condition that the property is 95% occupied. Some appraisers may prefer to set the stabilized value valuation date in the future to reflect the time necessary to reach stabilization. But doing so requires that all aspects of the appraisal be considered as of that future date which may introduce an unnecessary degree of speculation. Rather, we recommend a single hypothetical condition that the property is stabilized as of the current "As Is" valuation date.
Tip: Where possible, keep the valuation dates the same.
Set unused scenarios as "--"— this tells the software to ignore unused scenarios.
Per USPAP if the subject has sold within three years of the appraisal date the transaction should be analyzed. USPAP also requires analysis of current contract, offer, or listing of the subject. See USPAP Standards Rule 1-5 and Advisory Opinion (AO-1).
The transaction data is entered on the Transaction History sheet, then analyzed on the Reconciliation sheet. Note that the transaction can also be saved as a database record. Learn more here.
Follow sheet instructions to complete this sheet, if applicable.
The Property Description sheet augments the data entered to document. Most of the property description is entered in the document, while gross building area, rentable area and other key measures are entered to the Property Description sheet or calculated on the sheet. These calculated fields will merge with the report document to complete the property description.
The Property Description sheet may be thought of as a hub for key data points.
Tip: Turn on highlights to distinguish input fields from calculated fields.
Complete these inputs:
Input fields are distinguished with blue highlight.
This table populates in part from the rent roll and user input directly to this table. Unit counts, average unit sizes and total multifamily square footage populate from the rent roll.
Maps are automatically generated by Google Maps. The subject map is presented in the linked appraisal document. There are four map options:
The address populates automatically from data entered in the linked document via StartDeck Writer. If the map marker location is off, paste the geocode in the address field (overwriting the formula). Learn more about maps and geocoding here.
This map is the subject location map but has an additional setting that controls the zoom level of the map, which will vary from neighborhood to neighborhood. The settings range from 10 to 20, where 10 is the maximum zoom out and 20 is the maximum zoom in.
Add assessment data as indicated. Use the highlight to distinguish data entry fields. The tax rate formula is Assessment / 1,000 x Tax Rate — modify the formula as needed for your analysis.
Best Practice: Compare the taxes projected in the Income Analysis (if applicable) with the taxes calculated here. When these figures do not match, explain why in the narrative.
This table augments analyses entered in StartDeck Writer on the doc side. Inputs are straight forward. Note that percentage entries are approximate.
Comparison analysis grids are discussed in a stand-alone article here.
This discussion is presented in two parts: cost and depreciation.
Cost Inputs
Depreciation Estimates
The Validation table provides a set of checks to consider for the Cost Analysis. These basic tests of reasonableness provide a guide for analyzing the components and reliability of the analysis.
Comparison analysis grids are discussed in a stand-alone article here.
The income analysis is presented here section by section:
The Rent Roll is at the heart of the income analysis and populates the supporting tables which tease out characteristics of the subject's income stream.
The tables on this worksheet organized stepwise down and right of the main income and expense tables. The staggered layout allows rows and columns to be modified without disturbing other tables.
Navigation Links
The main navigation table is at the top of the sheet. In addition, there are navigation links to the next and previous tables at each table. The compass icon will always link back to the top-left corner (cell A1) of the sheet.
Reminder: The StartDeck Tables Sidebar must be open to enable navigation links. Why? We use a custom function (getSheetID) in our navigation links, which is only available when the sidebar is running. Why not use regular links? We'd love to, but regular links are static and do not adjust as rows and columns are added and removed. Our custom links are dynamic and maintain accuracy when rows/columns are added or removed.
Rent Roll View
Set the Rent Roll view from the Actions menu.
There are two view options for the Rent Roll: Compact and Focus. Compact is a condensed view for power users. All key tables and inputs are presented in a single scrollable view. Focus view on the other hand, separates the Income History, Rent Roll, Expense and Capitalization tables for individual view and undistracted analysis. The view can be changed at any time.
Tip: Set view to Focus for new users
Best practice: Highlight input cells.
Premise & Breakout Metric #
The income analysis employs the direct capitalization method and is intended for the “As Stabilized” (1) value premise. Premises are established on the Appraisal Premises worksheet.
Breakout Metric
The breakout metric (2) — gross building area, rentable area or per unit — sets the per unit breakout for expense projections and value indications.
Note: Expenses projected on a per square foot basis are based on the gross building area, regardless of the breakout metric.
The following section discusses each table in the income analysis.
Rent Roll Instructions
Click the + sign left of the rent roll (row 62) to display data input instructions for the rent roll.
Rent Roll Actions
The Actions button at the top-left of Rent Roll includes several functions.
The Rent Roll is flexible and can handle a variety of mixed-use income projections.
The projection of overall Vacancy and Collection Loss is entered as a percentage on the Rent Roll. Actual vacancy and occupancy rates are detailed in the "Space Types and Occupancy" table where vacancy/occupancy rates are broken out by space types for analysis automatically by the software.
The subject's expense history is one of the most valuable and important guides for projecting the subject's expenses in the appraiser's tool box.
Similar to categorizing income streams by space types, expenses are consolidated and analyzed by specific expense categories, organized by the Expense Chart of Accounts. Expenses can be highly nuanced and vary by property type. Further, detail and categories will vary from property to property. The Chart of Accounts (COA) used in StartDeck's commercial and multifamily appraisal templates are as follows:
Appraisal Chart of Accounts (COA) |
Taxes |
Insurance |
Utilities |
Repairs & Maintenance |
Management |
Other Expense |
Reserves |
Each of these categories is a bucket for subcategories:
Appraisal Chart of Accounts (COA) | |
Main Category | Subcategories |
Taxes | Taxes (Lump sum bucket) |
Property Taxes | |
Business Taxes | |
Insurance | Insurance (Lump sum bucket) |
Property Insurance | |
Liability Insurance | |
Flood Insurance | |
Utilities | Utilities (Lump sum bucket) |
Electricity | |
Water and Sewer | |
Oil/Gas | |
Trash Removal | |
Internet and Cable Services | |
Other Utilities | |
Repairs & Maintenance | Repairs & Maintenance (Lump sum bucket) |
Landscaping and Groundskeeping | |
HVAC Maintenance | |
Plumbing Repairs | |
Electrical Repairs | |
Roof Repairs | |
Painting and Decorating | |
Elevator Repairs and Maintenance | |
Pest Control | |
Cleaning | |
Supplies | |
Janitor Salary/Apartment | |
Parking Lot Maintenance | |
Management | Management (Lump sum bucket) |
Offsite Management | |
On Site Manager Salary | |
On Site Manager Apartment | |
Management Fees | |
Staff Salaries and Wages | |
Employee Benefits | |
Office Supplies and Equipment | |
Office Internet Service & Software Subscriptions | |
Advertising | |
Phone | |
Legal & Professional (Accounting, Appraisal, Consulting) | |
Business Licenses | |
Security | |
Misc. Management | |
Leasing Commissions | |
Advertising Costs | |
Tenant Screening and Background Checks | |
Other Expense | Other Expense (Lump sum bucket) |
Reserves | Reserves (Lump sum bucket) |
Reserve for Replacement | |
Contingency Fund |
The list of subcategories, as long as it is, is not an exhaustive list, hence the“Lump sum bucket”category as a catch all.
There are two ways to enter expense history:
This worksheet contains tables to reorganize those expenses to match the appraisal expense categories. Restructured expenses are automatically imported to the expense section of the income analysis. These tools provide a convenient way to organize historic expense data.
Repeat this to organize up to three years of expense data. The summary table “Restructured Historic Expense Data”will automatically populate with data from each table. This table then imports automatically to the expense table of the income analysis, described below.
The Expenses table is located directly under the Rent Roll table on the Income Analysis worksheet.
The validation table provides a set of checks to consider for the Income Analysis. These basic tests of reasonableness provide a guide for analyzing the components and reliability of the analysis.
There are four supporting tables which draw out additional detail from the rent roll. These tables categorize income characteristics by space types entered when completing the Rent Roll (see bullet #9).
For single tenant properties, these tables may not be applicable.
This is an important table which breaks out occupancy and vacancy and will reveal strengths and weaknesses by space types.
Contract Rent Ranges #
This table displays the average contract rent in place at the subject, by space type. All contract leases are included in this table, old and new.
Recent Leases #
This table displays recent leasing activity at the subject, and is often a key indicator of market rents for the subject.
Lease Expiration Schedule #
This table is not included in the narrative by default, but can be added as needed. The schedule of lease expirations is a measure of anticipated turnover or lease renewal which provides insight to the subject's risk profile. This applies to commercial space only.
Calculated cap rates should be used in conjunction with market extracted cap rates and survey data. We do not recommend calculated cap rates be used independently of other methods.
The Cap Rate Development table includes two methods; Band of Investment and the Debt Coverage Ratio Method.
This table consolidates all the leases from the Rent Roll and prepares them as comparable records that can (optionally) be saved to your database.
Note: Lease data provided to an appraiser for appraisal purposes are considered confidential information and should not be disclosed in other appraisals without permission. The possible exception to this is if the same lease data is available from other sources. Some appraisers will anonymize lease data in the absence of permission. Be cognizant of and follow USPAP ethics requirements. Regardless of the inclusion or exclusion of lease data in a report, subject leases are an important source of market knowledge for an appraiser.
The first row of the table is for multifamily data and consolidates up to five multifamily space types (1-BR, 2-BR, etc.) from the rent roll as a single database record. The remaining rows in the table are for commercial leases, where each lease is saved as an independent database record.
Prior to saving these data to your database, there are six fields, listed below, that require manual data entry. Use keyboard navigation from the top row of the table.
This worksheet contains three adjustment tables for common issues required to convert stabilized value estimates to "As Is" value estimates:
Lease-up Expense Estimate #
This table is rather complex and requires careful use of inputs and projections. At a high level, the model first projects the stabilized cash flow estimate into the future. This forms a baseline stabilized cash flow projection. Next, the actual cash flow of the subject is projected into the future, but with assumptions for leasing up to stabilized occupancy. The difference between these two projections forms the basis for the lease-up expense estimate.
Understand that it is not only lost income, but also additional expenses associated with vacant space that form the estimate of lease-up expense. Further, there are risk factors to consider.
How far into the future do the projections go? To the point in time where the actual cash flows can achieve stabilization. If the subject is 80% occupied and the larger market is at 95% occupancy, it is the period of time necessary for the subject to reach 95% occupancy. The model provided has a four year period maximum.
Lease-up estimates may require a hypothetical condition for the analysis. For example, ‘This analysis assumes the subject can reach stabilized occupancy in two years.’
The first section of the lease-up analysis provides merge field statements for the narrative and the selection of an income analysis (if your appraisal happens to have more than one income approach) for stabilized, baseline cash flow projections.
The lease-up expense calculation table. In the example below the subject's actual occupancy is 80%, while 95% is typical of the market.
Deferred maintenance refers to material maintenance tasks that have been neglected and which most buyers would address immediately upon acquisition. Examples of deferred maintenance include roof repairs, energy efficiency improvements, HVAC system replacements, plumbing and electrical upgrades, exterior and interior upgrades and renovations.
Other adjustments may be necessary for unfinished construction, remediation of hazardous waste or some other expense necessary to bring the property up to normal, or stabilized operation.
This table totals all of the above adjustment tables and carries over to the Reconciliation worksheet, where the adjustments are applied.
The Reconciliation worksheet is where we consolidate value estimates from various approaches for up to four appraisal scenarios. Our primary analysis is the "As Stabilized" scenario, which serves as the baseline for estimating "As Is" value.
The reconciliation process involves two key aspects:
To facilitate this process, we've provided analysis tools in the Reconciliation Work area at the bottom of the worksheet.
Value Estimates
Value estimates from all approaches are consolidated at the top of the worksheet.
This table is where final value estimates are entered and if applicable, a comparison to a subject transaction.
Validation checks are limited to the As Stabilized value estimate. Validation will check for final values that are outside the range indicated by the approaches applied.
These tables provide useful tools for rating the strength of "As Stabilized" valuation analyses (only) and guidelines for weighting different approaches based on the most probable buyer profile and strength of the analyses. This work area should not be used for non-stabilized valuation scenarios. These tables guide the user through analysis of the strength of the approaches applied, analysis of how the approaches align with typical buyer behavior, and finally a weighting process of the value indications from different approaches is applied.
These are general guidelines and not hard rules. Judgment is required as buyer profiles and relevance ratings are approximations, and in many cases, more than one type of buyer competes in the market for a given property, and motivations can vary.
The Appraisal Data Table summarizes key data points from the appraisal in a readable table. Think of it as a self-contained executive summary of the entire report. This table will display up to four appraisal scenarios and a transaction for the subject. Optionally, these scenarios and/or transaction may be saved to your database.
A transposed copy of this table is presented on the Appraisal Data sheet for external database export.
Assuming you have followed our best practice tip and written the corresponding narrative associated with each table as you progressed through the workbook, you are now ready to add subject photos, review the report, make final edits and check spelling, formatting, page breaks and update the table of contents.
Best Practices:
- Review the checklist worksheet.
- Update doc, sheet, image fields and maps before publication.
- Hide merge field color coding before publication
- Make sure all the linked tables are updated: From the main menu in Docs: Tools > Linked Objects > Update all.
This is also referred to hiding merge fields.
From the StartDeck Writer sidebar: Select Forms & Fields then click Hide Fields at the bottom of the sidebar.
From the Project Page: Select Project Preview then click on the Show/Hide toggle.